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Brandenburg Concerto No. 2


Johann Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 features a prominent trumpet part that stands out among the quartet of soloists, which also includes oboe, recorder, and violin, accompanied by a string ensemble and continuo. Written for the high Baroque trumpet or clarino, the trumpet part demands exceptional virtuosity and has been a subject of intrigue due to its technical difficulty and historical performance practice. Despite the trumpet's starring role, Bach ensures a balanced ensemble where each soloist, including the strings and continuo, gets moments to shine, especially in the concerto's intricate interplay and the slower, more reflective middle movement.

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Brandenburg Concerto No. 2


Caleb Hudson

Considered one of the pinnacles of trumpet literature, Bach's second Brandenburg Concerto presents enormous challenges for even the experienced piccolo trumpet performer. In this course, Caleb discusses how a system of slow, soft, and smooth practice can help you build the endurance needed to play this!

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